Hello Tankers,
a new line of four British twin-barreled heavies arrived: FV224 Chopper, FV227 Conceiver, FV229 Contender and FV230 Canopener. Don't forget about Battle Pass Special tier IX heavy tank: Rambo / M103M. Enjoy!

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Target damage WN8 in World of Tanks

What damage you need on specific tank to achieve certain WN8. Target damage stands for how much damage you should do, on average, per battle, to achieve the WN8 rating. Damage is about 60% of the WN8 formula (for the remaining 40% you do the exact same expected values)

On WoTGarage you can check how much damage you need to deal, to get specific WN8 value:

  • yellow (775 WN8)
  • green (1250 WN8)
  • blue (2000 WN8)
  • purple (2450 WN8)

Marks of Excellence in World of Tanks

What are Marks of Excellence?

Marks of Excellence are awarded to the top players, based on the average damage and assistance they cause, and differ between nations.

To get one Mark of Excellence, you have to do better than 65% of other players in this vehicle over the past 14 days. You and your team have to cause more damage than the average, and you have to help out with that damage.

How is damage calculated? How to receive MoE?

To receive a Mark of Excellence, you should try to cause as much damage as possible during one battle. The higher the average damage per battle compared to other players in the same vehicle, the higher the level of achievement and the more marks will appear on the gun. Damage caused with your assistance is also taken into account. This means that the achievement is open to both light tanks, which aren't really built for causing damage but rather for spotting targets for allies, as well as SPGs, which help allies by stunning enemy vehicles. The maximum damage caused by destroying a track, spotting, or stunning is counted, not the sum of these values.

We calculate damage separately for each vehicle and damage statistics are collected daily. We use the results of the last series of battles in the vehicle for calculations (not all battles) - this lets you track your progress quickly. What does this mean? Your average score per battle in a vehicle over the last 14 days is compared to the average performance of other players who fought in the same vehicle over the last 14 days. Performance is determined by the last 100 battles and is updated with each new battle.

To get the Marks of Excellence for the first achievement level, you have to be one of the top players in terms of average damage.

  • The top 35% of players in the same vehicle get the first level of achievement and one Mark of Excellence.
  • The top 15% of players get the second level and two Marks of Excellence.
  • The top 5% of players get the highest level and three Marks of Excellence.

Marks of Excellence mods / MoE mods for World of Tanks

Most popular MoE mods for WoT:

Mastery badges in World of Tanks

There are lots of achievements you can get in World of Tanks, but few are as desirable as the Mastery Badges. Mastery badges are the ultimate display of your prowess in a specific armoured vehicle. To get the highest class (Ace Tanker) badge, you need to know every trick with a certain tank.

To qualify for any of the four classes of the Mastery Badge, you need to earn more experience in a single battle than the average highest experience of a certain percentage of all players who have been playing the very same tank within the last seven days.

Because of the above, the difficulty curve of obtaining the highest Ace Tanker Badge is relative to how many players fight with that particular tank and how good they are. Just a heads-up: the threshold for getting an Ace Tanker in one tank can be different from another one. No need to be surprised or alarmed.

To check your Mastery Badges, just go to the Garage, click "Service Record" (top-center of your screen), select "Vehicles," and you'll see your list of tanks. If you already own a Mastery Badge for them, it will be displayed next to their name.

Mastery Badge: III class - Earn more experience in a single battle than the average highest experience of 50% of all players in the same tank within the last seven days. Earn more base XP in a single battle than the average highest experience of 50% of all players in the same tank within the last 7 days.

Mastery Badge: II class - Earn more experience in a single battle than the average highest experience of 80% of all players in the same tank within the last seven days. Earn more base XP in a single battle than the average highest experience of 80% of all players in the same tank within the last 7 days.

Mastery Badge: I class - Earn more experience in a single battle than the average highest experience of 95% of all players in the same tank within the last seven days. Earn more base XP in a single battle than the average highest experience of 95% of all players in the same tank within the last 7 days.

Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker - Earn more experience in a single battle than the average highest experience of 99% of all players in the same tank within the last seven days. Earn more base XP in a single battle than the average highest experience of 99% of all players in the same tank within the last 7 days.

Field modifications in World of Tanks

Field Modification is available for all Tier VI–X vehicles (including Collectors', special, and Premium vehicles, but excluding rentals and vehicles from various special game modes, such as Steel Hunter or Mirny-13). In a nutshell, Field Modification is a set of tools for fine-tuning specific technical characteristics of your tanks, which will become available once they acquire Elite status.

Field Modification has three types of modifications that players can make to a vehicle's technical parameters or setup:

Standard. These are unlocked using Combat or Free XP when the Field Modification level is increased. Standard Modifications provide a small boost to one characteristic, depending on the vehicle combat role.

Dual. These are purchased using credits and allow your vehicle's characteristics to be redistributed so that it becomes more effective in one aspect at the cost of another.

Special. The first two of these are available for Tier VI and VII vehicles, and all three—for Tier VIII–X vehicles. The first Special Modification lets you use the Essentials Loadout, which is a different set of shells and consumables. The second Special Modification gives you the Auxiliary Loadout, which is a different set of equipment and directives. The third Special Modification lets you put a category in a second equipment slot.

Together, these modifications form the Modification Tree. Once you've done your research and bought the right modifications, you'll be able to make your vehicles slightly better by tweaking their technical characteristics to suit your needs.

Modifications affect vehicle parameters and thus the balance of the game in general. As a result, there may be some changes to numerical values in modifications in the future if we see that they are needed to maintain optimal vehicle balance.

All Tier VI–X vehicles with access to Field Modification get a special parameter: role. There are 15 roles in total, like Assault Heavy Tank, Breakthrough Heavy Tank, and Versatile Medium Tank, to name a few. The Modification Tree is created for each vehicle with regard to its specific combat role, so the technical adjustments that vehicles of different roles receive from modifications may vary, even if they are of the same tank role.

Field Modification is there to help you discover new things about your gameplay and see your favourite vehicles in a different light. It's not something you have to do, but it will make playing some of your tanks even more special and enjoyable.

Equipment in World of Tanks

Standard equipment

This basic type of equipment is available to purchase with in-game currency, credits. You can also earn it by achieving certain achievements and by taking part in events. It is divided into several classes and categories.

Standard equipment is divided into three classes, with the cost and vehicle tier on which it can be mounted determining the class. The higher the equipment class, the higher the cost. The availability of the equipment classes depends on your vehicle:

Class 3 equipment can be mounted on Tier II–IV vehicles and some Tier V or higher vehicles.

Class 2 equipment is available for Tier V–VII vehicles and some Tier VIII or higher vehicles.

Class 1 equipment can be mounted on Tier VIII–X vehicles.

Equipment and Slots Categories

In addition to classes, standard equipment is divided into four categories. Each category improves a different vehicle characteristic:

  • Firepower
  • Survivability
  • Mobility
  • Scouting

Each item of standard equipment is assigned to one of the categories that it affects. The exceptions are the Improved Rotation Mechanism (which corresponds to two categories—Firepower and Mobility) and the Improved Ventilation (which corresponds to all four categories).

The equipment is mounted in the slots that become available starting from Tier II vehicles. The number of available slots depends on the vehicle tier.

Improved equipment

This great equipment can be bought with bonds. It's better than standard equipment, even when it's in the right slot. But improved equipment isn't tied to any of the four equipment categories, so it won't get any extra bonuses from being in a special slot.

Bounty equipment

This is a special line of items that you can get through various in-game events, like the Battle Pass. It starts out as standard equipment, but you can upgrade it for credits.

Bounty Equipment isn't tied to any of the four categories, so it won't benefit from special slots. But you can upgrade it, and it has better bonuses than standard equipment in its slot.

Experimental equipment

This equipment type combines two or more characteristics of the other types of equipment in the game. You can't buy Experimental Equipment, but you can get it by completing combat missions and participating in certain events. It can't be destroyed, but you can disassemble it for free. In return, you'll get components that you can use to upgrade or demount it.

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